Christian H. Guerrero

"I’m a big Taylor Swift fan, and a phrase that resonates with me is, 'Never be so polite, you forget your power. Never wield such power, you forget to be polite.' No matter what your position of power is, it’s essential to remain humble, kind, and polite with others. At the same time, don’t let anyone take advantage of your kindness and politeness."
Faculty Mentors:
Research Title: Thesis: Food Security and Its Impact on Breastfeeding Practices Among Mexican Women Practicum: Botiquin Froterizo
Bio: Christian H. Guerrero is a nutritionist who graduated from the Universidad de Sonora and holds a Master of Science in Population Nutrition from the National Institute of Public Health of Mexico (INSP). He is currently a PhD candidate in Public Health Sciences at the Universidad de Guadalajara. In recent years, Christian has worked on research projects in nutrition and public health, focusing on understanding risk factors and health determinants in diseases and phenomena that affect the health of women and the Latino community. Alongside working on his thesis, he is also completing a practicum experience as a visiting scholar.